The concept of not “spiking the ball before we get to the endzone” is being referenced a lot these days given where things are with the pandemic.  While we’re all tired, weary, and ready for this to be over - it’s important for us to stay focused and safe as we make our way through.  This concept is also important and relevant with how we approach our goals and our dreams - both personally and collectively.  If we spike the ball too early because we think we’re already there or we’re simply tired of trying, we end up not getting to where we ultimately want to be.  On this episode, we talk about this phenomenon, and how to stay present, engaged, and keep things in perspective as we’re going for the things that matter most.


We’re All in This Together (book), by Mike Robbins

Mike Robbins Website

Mike Robbins Blog

Mike Robbins Podcast

Mike Robbins on Facebook

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Mike Robbins on Instagram

Mike Robbins on YouTube

Authentic Leadership - New Udemy Digital Course by Mike Robbins

Peak: How Great Companies Get Their Mojo from Maslow, by Chip Conley




“Let’s not spike the ball until we’re actually in the endzone.” — @MikeDRobbins


“Don’t give up on your dreams simply because they haven’t manifested yet.” — @MikeDRobbins


“Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.” — @MikeDRobbins


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