Want to instantly position yourself as an expert?  Writing a book and publishing a podcast opens up more doors than you would ever imagine.  Laura Petersen has amazing experience using both of these tools to help thought leaders elevate their visibility and brands.  Take a listen to our conversation today and learn from this amazing expert!

What Did We Chat About?

How does a book help position you as a thought leader
How you can leverage podcasts and published books together
Why do we share things?  

Golden Nuggets From Our Conversation:

The common denominator with big speakers and influencers was that they have published a book.  
Your podcast and your published book can work together to help promote each other.  
Start where you are more comfortable.  If you like speaking better, start with a podcast. If you like writing, start with your book and get the ball rolling.  
"The only way you can fail is by doing nothing.  Taking action anytime is a good thing."
A book is a lot of up front work that you can leverage forever.  A podcast is something with less work at the beginning, but can provide regular activity.  
Publishing a book gives people a natural confidence that can't help but come out.  Internal self confidence comes out.  
There's magic around publishing a book.  Take advantage of that psychologically!  
Published books are credibility indicators to the public!
Ask for video testimonials from people or screenshots!  

Recommended Links:

Copy That Pops

7 -Point Guide for How to Actually Make Money from Your Book (That Also Grows Your Brand Too!)

Join Laura’s Free Facebook Group To Learn More About Publishing Your Next Book
