The Feminine Complex, Wax Mistress, Slush, Mouth Reader, bloopr, Basic Printer, Brasko, Dream Wave

After last week’s excellent interview episode with Jake Davis, we’re back to fundamentals – showcasing some great local music across a diverse range of styles. Since we, technically, took a week off from just playing music we’re using this as an opportunity to listen to eight songs this week, not the regular six. Win win all around!

Excellent selections from The Feminine Complex, Wax Mistress, Slush, Mouth Reader, Bloopr, Basic Printer, Dream Wave and our cover artist Brasko.

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The Femine Complex – “I’ve Been Working on You”

Wax Mistress – “The Florist”

Slush – “The Less You Do The More You Win”

Mouth Reader – “So Fucked”

Bloopr – “Brazzers”

Basic Printer – “Seaweed”

Brasko – “Lipstick Stains”

Dream Wave – “Blue Skied an Clear”

“Main Theme” by Upright T-Rex Music

Cover Image: Brasko.

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