Previous Episode: Volume 91
Next Episode: Volume 93

I contemplated doing an entire episode the podcast dedicated to the all-too-short catalog of music from Those Darlins. I may still undertake that task but having seen the huge impact that Jessi Zazu had on her community, it felt appropriate to include Those Darlins in a mix of Nashville music; as they continue to contribute […]

I contemplated doing an entire episode the podcast dedicated to the all-too-short catalog of music from Those Darlins. I may still undertake that task but having seen the huge impact that Jessi Zazu had on her community, it felt appropriate to include Those Darlins in a mix of Nashville music; as they continue to contribute and influence even after Zazu’s passing.

There’s a number of great new artists and some older ones you may not know in here. Enjoy.

Those Darlins – Screws Get Loose
Elite Geographic – City Circuitry
Sad Baxter – Doubt
Whole Fantastic World – To The Lives and Loves We’ve Known
And the Boys – Hate You Now
Thelma and the Sleaze – Lucy
Okey dokey – Hometown
Ornament – Family Happiness
tape deck mountain – Loopers of Bushwick