Welcome to 2019! Look forward to a more varietal offerings of genres, more interviews and episode titles! Okay, so maybe that last bit isn't so exciting but it's fun for me.

Welcome to 2019! A year in which we attempt to push the format of this show a little bit further than we did last year. Look forward to a more varietal offerings of genres, more interviews and episode titles! Okay, so maybe that last bit isn’t so exciting but it’s fun for me. We’re also going to try and play with the release schedule a little bit and see what happens when we start putting this show out on a Saturday instead of a Monday, maybe that’s better? We’ll see.

Regardless of the small bits of tinkering to the show, the consistent piece of it will always be great music from Nashville area artists. This episode is no different as we dive into some glam rock, some space-y compositions and even a few ambient tunes. Tracklisting is below and episode available to stream everywhere.

The Blam Blams – “A Pretty Face”

Babe Curry – “Order”

The Subnovas – “Telescreen”

Panda Park – “Panda Park”

Your Gaze – “In a Jar (Dinosaur Jr)”

Futurecast – “What’s So Cool About It?”

R Stevie Moore – “Walker Waltz”

Faster Is Faster – “The Music as Caterpillar”

“Main Theme” by Upright T-Rex Music Cover photo: The Blam Blams.