I don't know how many of you out there are like me in that you buy DVDs at a quicker rate then you can watch them? Well, in doing so, through purchasing at charity shops, car boot sales, Facebook sites etc etc, I now have over 100 Films that I Own But Have Not Watched Yet.

Well, as part of the podcast, I thought that I would begin the arduous journey through these films. I have put all the titles into a pot, and have now started picking them at random and then watching and reviewing them immediately. And so here is the first collection of such reviews, 5 films watched and reviewed during March 2020.

1. First Man (2018) Ryan Gosling | Dir. Damien Chazzelle
2. Brighton Rock (1948) Richard Attenborough | Dir. John Boulting
3. The Fog (1980) Jamie Lee Curtis | Dir. John Carpenter
4. A Fistful Of Dollars (1964) Clint Eastwood | Dir. Sergio Leone
5. Crazy Heart (2009) Jeff Bridges | Dir. Scott Cooper

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