Merry Christmas, assholes! We went and did a big old podcast crossover with the hosts of Parents Just Don't Understand, returning guest Kurt Schiller and newcomer Chris Woodward! That's right, there's five of us on this damn thing, and we all have different opinions about the stupid ass Grinch cartoon, which we argue about a lot! We do this because we love you! Also Kevin Smith's friend helped direct the Grinch movie or whatever, so that's why we're talking about it on here, okay?

Go listen to Chris and Kurt's podcast Parents Just Don't Understand where you can soon hear all of us talking about another children's cartoon (one that's actually good) and don't forget to read the finest online pop culture magazine in existence!

And since it's the Season of Giving, please gift us some money at and we'll gift you even more fine holiday content!

Happy Holidays and Merry Coffee and whatever else I'm supposed to say!!