Kelly Soderlund works in PR and Marketing in the Travel space.

Mindy Thomas is a stylist turned marketer in the Beauty space.

We brought them both on to talk about their industries, specifically during COVID. We also discuss social media practices in both industries and Kelly and Mindy’s perspective on social overall.

Also discussed in this episode... Tom Hanks, Chrissy Teigen, and Churros!

And make sure to listen to the WILD story that Mindy tells at the end of this episode!

Normally we’d edit background noise out the best we can, but both of these women are moms and in this episode they both discussed the challenges of working from home during COVID with kids, and what you hear in the background throughout is what is happening in many houses right now. It’s real and we wanted to keep it that way.

Kelly on Twitter // @KellyLSoderlund

Kelly on Instagram // @kellysoderlund

Mindy on Twitter // @MindySThomas

Mindy on Instagram // @mindysuethomas


@ElliotGerard // @jonahballow // @keiths