Today’s episode is the second part of our two-episode series with Terry Walters, a technology evangelist at HW Lochner. This final episode focuses on Terry’s work in Blockchain and how this can be truly useful in civil engineering, especially in the discipline of transportation engineering. Roughly speaking, Blockchain is a series of records cryptographically linked together, which makes it easier to spot any attempt to fake or alter the original data. This trait in itself can be useful, and in fact makes things much more dynamic and safe, in the transportation and shipping industries, in which there’s a huge need to keep track of things, both constantly and accurately.

In the first episode, Sam and Terry talked about how technology as a whole, from software development to capabilities, will have a huge impact on the field. In this episode, Terry brings to light the specific details and nuances on how blockchain technology can be effectively used in civil engineering.

Get in touch with Terry: [email protected] or [email protected]

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