Hey everyone, welcome to another episode of the We Make Books Podcast, a show about writing, publishing and everything in between.


This week’s episode is a little different.  We made the perilous journey to the City of Angels and we’re coming to you live from the Nebulas in Los Angeles, California! (Well, Los Angeles adjacent anyway.)


We had an amazing weekend and while we were there, we took some time to talk to some of the people attending the Nebulas and get their advice, insight, and words of wisdom about the ins and outs of attending a con.  We talked to so many great people and they all had great stories and sage advice to share us and our audience. 


Here are the lovely voices you are going to hear: 

James Patrick Cronin (@jamespcronin) – Voice actor and owner of Blue Nose Audio

Michael R. Underwood (@mikerunderwood) – (Amazing!) Author, publishing consultant, and co-host of the @speculatesf podcast.

Lee Harris – Senior Editor for Tor.com and finalist for Best Accent of the Episode.

Joseph R. Lallo (@jrlallo) – Author and one third of the Sci-Fi and Fantasy Marketing Podcast

Arley Sorg (@arleysorg) – Writer, editor, all around amazing person – is there anything he can’t do??

Dan Wood (@danwoodok) – Director of Author Relations at Draft2Digital, and way more than just “ok”.

John Scalzi (@scalzi) – I’m told he’s written some books or something.

Peng Shepherd (@pshepherd) – Author of “The Book of M”.

Mike Anderson (@MAndersonSciFi) – Author and spinner of incredible insights.

Kellan Szpara (@KMSzpara) – Author and inducer of extreme nail envy.

C.L. Polk (@clpolk) – Author, Nebula finalist, and winner of the best convention hack of the episode!

Cat Rambo (@Catrambo) – Writer, educator, SFWA President, and Mistress of The Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers

Caitlin Seal (@CaitSeal) – Author of “Twice Dead” and distributor of boxed wine.

TJ Berry and Dave Liloia (@tjaneberry and @warpdrives) – She’s an author, they both host the Warp Drives podcast, and were just so much fun to talk to!

Elsa Sjunneson-Henry (@snarkbat) – Author of both speculative and non-fiction and Accessibility Coordinator for SFWA

Mark Tompkins (@MLTompkins) – Author and crafter of possibly the most successful elevator pitch in history.

Jonathan Brazee (@jonathanbrazee) – Author, retired Marine colonel, he promises that you’re going to have a great time at the convention.

Emma Osborne (@redscribe) – Author and sunshine incarnate – you will immediately feel better after talking to them. Second finalist for Best Accent of the Episode.


We hope that you are enjoying this and all of our other episodes and as always, feel free to reach out to us on any of the social medias.  You can find us @wmbcast and www.wemakebookspodcast.com.  Find Rekka @bittybittyzap and Kaelyn @kindofKaelyn.  

Thank you for listening!



The SUPREMELY LONG transcript for this episode is available in gdocs