Character Profile: Alex Krycek - Seasons 2-5Our supplemental episode this week is our next in-depth character profile, looking at a particular X-Files character at a point in the show -  Alex Krycek in Seasons 2-5.Paige Schector hosts, alongside guest Kurt North, to discuss Krycek's best moments from the season, amongst much more...HostPaige SchectorGuest Kurt NorthWith thanks to our Patrons...Adam Chamberlain, Michelle Milbauer, Cathy Glinski, Kurt North, Jenn Ferguson, Astrid Klosterkoetter, Naomi Miller, Adam Silva, Michael John Petty, Marlene Stemme, Deana Ferreri, Katie Doe, Donna Pirkle, Isabelle Dubois, Andrew Blaker, Cortlan Waters Bartley, Martha Payne, Delta 51, Clarissa de Becker, Maura Funchion Jaeger, Sarah Devicomte, Jeremy Daniels, Caredwen Foley, Daniela Marlitsis, Justin Bernstein, Calla Dreams, Wanda Vincent, Maria Payan-Perkowski, Karen McKenna, Michael Little, Luke Winch, Caleb Burnett, Chandru Ravindran, Mark O'Brien, Russell Hugo, Kelsey L Mayer, Bethany Good, Sarah Ford.