It's time to take a bite into Neil Jordan's acclaimed adaptation of Anne Rice's best-selling novel, Interview with the Vampire, which finds a 200-year-old vampire called Louis (Brad Pitt) telling his life story to a reporter, which begins in the 18th-century when he was created by the mysterious Lestat (Tom Cruise)...

Helping us dissect this '90s classic is author Sarah Blair, co-host of The X Cast podcast...

Dan Owen & Hugh McStay

Sarah Blair

Dan Owen

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Follow SARAH BLAIR on Twitter, listen to her on The X Cast, get a free copy of her novel When Darkness Falls by clicking this link, and find out more via her website.HUGH McSTAY’s work and social media links.DAN OWEN’s work and social media links.A proud part of the We Made This podcast network. Theme music: 'The Victim' by Mary Riddle via Epidemic Sound • Podcast Artwork designed by Dan Owen.

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