Dive into Episode 120 of Den of Excelsior, a Mostly Marvel Podcast by Ricky and Dennis. Also joining us this week is our friend of the show Clark. This episode presents an entertaining exploration of the cult classic, Tim Burton’s 'Mars Attacks,' and a tribute to the remarkable acting performances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).
Discover Ricky's childhood fears about monstrous extraterrestrials, trigger a fun-filled conversation about our shifting perceptions towards aliens, and revisit the journey of 'Mars Attacks,' from being a horror insight to a humorous classic. Tune in for Clark and Dennis' exclusive takes, as they relive and analyze this cinematic gem from their past.
Join the animated discussion about the Monarch series on Apple TV, and listen to the plans for the upcoming episodes focused on movie classics. Find endorsements of stellar performances by Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Christian Bale, Anthony Mackie, and Sebastian Stan within the MCU, and an engaging dialogue on other notable shows like Daredevil and Ted.
Experience the intriguing world of Mars Attacks! through an in-depth discussion of Burton's distinctive visual style, influential creative control, stellar casting, and uncanny humor, reflecting the filmmaker’s unique storytelling. Relive the zany narrative of a Martian invasion, with a unique comedic twist on the horror genre.
Wrap up the episode with a rich discussion on the unforgettable characters and memorable music score, and a reflection on the eccentric charm of 'Mars Attacks'. Engage in this lively debate about classics, join us in rediscovering old favorites, and share your thoughts about our shared journey into the world of Marvel and beyond!