It's halftime of the off season and where are we now? What have the Trail Blazers done to build a championship team around Damian Lillard? There’s a lot of feelings out there. We talk through some of them. 

2:00 Rose’s refrigerator is not magnetic. 

4:00 Exhausted

7:00 Expectations? What was possible vs what was likely

10:30 What did the flowcharts say? 

11:30 Ambivalent or maybe conflicted?

15:30 Youth movement or win now movement? 

17:00 Can a GM be too transparent? 

22:00 Is the Blazers best path forward internal development? Will a short term trade really move the needle more than a longer term project? 

25:30 Players have different value depending on what team they are on

30:00 Concern: is the coach prepared for what is next?

33:00 Cap space doesn’t mean anything until you use it. 

35:00 Maybe it's all a smoke screen 

36:00 Undervalueing or overvaluing players

37:00 Relief: Blazers picked one of the top 3 players at number 3. 

40:00 Really hope that Scottie Brooks who handled multiple megawatt stars sticks around

41:00 Glad Terry Stotts isn’t the coach for all these rookies/young players since he didn’t like playing young guys.

44:00 Worried: about the center position. Not worried: about athleticism

49:00 Hopeful

52:00 Grateful: its hard but that's how this should be. 

54:00 Chris Paul is on the Gooooolden Warriors lolololololololol

55:00 Could the Blazers entice Nicola Batum to return? Or any other vets? 

59:30 Let the whole hand play out before deciding what happened. Remember that teams are holding cards and we’re not seeing all the moves they have. We only see what they want us to see. 

1:05:00 Takes: This is the make or break year for Billups. And, regardless of what path the Blazers take in the rest of the off season, we are set up for interesting basketball and hopefully lots of lobs.

1:08:00 Outro 

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The cutest intro/outro music by Eric Peterson (@shoozumoops)

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