Topics Discussed: Fires Around the Area, Happy Fourth Birthday WHGL!, Dub Takes in a Show in Missoula, One Bluegrass Song, Diet Check-In Lite, Retractions and Addendums, Revisiting the Corpus Callosum, a Misinterpreted Cupcake Joke, a Dog De-gloves a Man, Word of the Day, Dub Deals with a Traffic Accident, Balancing the Moral Dilemma of Eating Meat but Hating the Process, Vegans are Annoying, A Key Marketing Component in an Evil Industry, Man Locks Himself in the most Spacious Trunk Ever, Strangers Falling Asleep in your Unlocked Car, Utilizing the Element of Surprise, Seinfeld's an Unfunny but Successful Creep, Talking to Teens is the Worst, the Tragic Realization that Nobody Knows Anything, Pugs on Shelves, and the Diet Feels Good!