I gauge Cage. You gauge Cage. She gauge Cage. 'Cause We Gauge Cage, hey!

This is it. We're officially done. Finished. Game over, man. Game over. 
There are no more movies to watch. No more Cage to critique. No more gauging to be gathered. Pack up your notebooks and pencils, ladies and gentlemen. We're through. 

You know, they really did it. They said they were going to do it, and they did it! 

To celebrate, the boys leave you with their longest episode yet. No plots, just plops. No notes, just nopes. No...synopsis? Just...synth pop, sis? (I lost the thread.) Anyway, it's pure, unadulterated banter. Some say this is what the podcast should have been from the start. We say, "Hey, screw you. Go start your own podcast if you think it's so easy!"

Anywho, the boys deliver their personal rankings of Nicolas Cage's entire filmography. That'll show IMDb who's boss! 
They play some final games. Take some final shots. Put some final disgusting foodstuffs in their mouths. Make some final wet mouth sounds. 
They hand out a few awards. First to Nic, then to the podcast itself. Because nothing is sexier than self-indulgence. 
They deliver their final thoughts and reflections on the past year and half of their lives, devoted to this not-good-yet-highly-prolific-broke-ass film actor. 

And with all that said, we thank you, our audience. Our loyal listeners. Our biggest fans. 
We could not, and truthfully WOULD NOT, have done this without you. 
Thank you, wherever you are. 

For the final time...Let's. Get. Into. It.

You can still find us on our Social Media:

Twitter: @WeGaugeCagePod

Instagram: @WeGaugeCage

And fuck it. What do you have to lose? What do WE have to lose?!? 
If you have any ounce of compassion in your hearts, you will rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever else you can find a ratings system. For every review that gets left unposted, Brian will think really hard about NOT petting his puppies. So please. Do it for the puppies, you monsters. 

I love you all. This has been a true pleasure. Kind of. Probably. I think.