We discuss Bill C-27, the Consumer Privacy Protection Act, Personal um, something AI and a tribunal, I think? It does not matter, because the federal government took the last bill ('the other' Bill C-11) to try to replace the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and MADE IT WORSE.  Wow.

The new Bill C-27 guts consumer privacy by simply abolishing it and replacing it with a regime of business use of consumer information. All done without your knowledge and consent. But don't worry, it will all be used by the artificial intelligence (AI) industry to do whatever discrimination they say is important to do with all of that big data. Oh, sprinkle on the bacon bits of all of the exceptions (legitimate interests (of business)) from the European Union's GDPR with none of the constitutional rights to privacy of the individual they have there, ignore the mismatch with provincial privacy laws (especially Quebec), and just dare Europe to call this Bill what it clearly is: inadequate.

 Plus a bonus update on CRTC's continued low-effort non-proceeding into the Rogers outage.

With Executive Director John Lawford and PIAC staff lawyer Yuka Sai, who had to figure out the problems with C-11 back in Episode 5.  Ah well, on with the show.