Whoa! It's already St. Patrick's Day weekend - Christian and Shonali have way too much to catch up on.    We talk Riverdance, Bronies, and walking strategies for New Yorkers.  Shonali is dissed by her dad. Christian is in a TMZ phase.   Shonali bombed an audition and Christian booked his. We share diatribes on hipster diatribes.   Our special guest this episode is comedienne and actress Bridey Elliott.  She just returned from Austin, where the film in which she co-stars, Fort Tilden, just won the Grand Jury Prize at SXSW.  We talk animal handling, teen age angst, and growing up in a comedy family.  Her father is Chris Elliott, sister is Abby Elliott, and grandfather is Bob Elliott.   We also talk boyfriends, strategies for avoiding getting raped,  Siri and butt dialing.  In addition to acting, Bridey does stand up and is also performing in Absolutely, her Maude Night improv group at the UCB Theatre. We had so much fun having Bridey as our guest.  You will hear Shonali laughing the ENTIRE episode.  GAWSH! Our Episode 22 song is Sunshine Love by Rikki Ililonga.