Tis the season to go to a Haunted House and discuss all things scary. Shonali has a tough time with one-liners that aren't funny. Christian has a hard time with compliments.  Yeah, we don't even know. Our special guests are comedian Phoebe Robinson, dancer Joe Celej, musician Sarah Dooley and a special surprise guest - Sefa, the Podcast Crasher.  Phoebe discusses paying dues, soap making, Blaria, freelance writing and exactly why African American women pat their hair.   Dancer Joe Celej, started tap dancing as a 3 year old and has danced with his most recent dance company for 9 years.  He has met the squirrel whisperer, introduces us to Leomy the street dancing sensation, and explains the "Death Drop."  During our Halloween Trivia segment, a gentleman stood up and started giving feedback on WDEK.  His name is Sefa, the Podcast Crasher.  Shonali was kind enough to invite him to the stage.  Christian was semi entertained. We found out he is a comic, who spends lots of time at UCB.  His favorite diner is Neptune's in Astoria.  Our final guest was musician and comedic actress Sarah Dooley!  Life after graduation for Sarah has included coaching sports for babies and issuing her first full length album "Stupid Things."  She sings "Watching Goonies At My House" and "Stupid Things." Buy her album now! Enjoy!  
