It's time for another Now Playing episode while we recalibrate the time machine ready for our next batch of episodes so we're taking the time to sit back and talk about albums we're listening to a lot at th moment. Tracey has chosen former Inca Babies frontman Harry Stafford's debut swamp blues noir record Guitar Shaped Hammers from 2017, Colin's chosen Public Service Broadcasting's space funk electro concept album The Race For Space from 2015 and Ian has gone with Devin Townsend Project's massively uplifting cheerful prog pop metal album Epicloud from 2012.

You can listen to the Harry Stafford record here -

here's the Public Service Broadcasting album -

and here's Devin Townsend's thoroughly cheerful offering -

As always, if you enjoy the music please consider supporting the artists by buying their records etc.

Hosts - Ian Clarke, Colin Jackson-Brown & Tracey B
Recorded/Edited/Mixed/Original Music by Colin Jackson-Brown for We Dig Podcasts

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