Questions and Topics For Discussion

“What is Pick Me Culture?”

How does it affect us personally and/or collectively?

Unpack Original Thread . . .Thoughts?

Is the woman who wrote the tweet doing this to be “picked?”

Is this really the “formula” for getting the “right” man?

Read the response to the Thread . . . Thoughts?

Do you think women really compete for the affection of men? [Consider the women who you surround yourself with.]

How much of this “pick me” culture is rooted in origin/ what we have been taught since young?

Make reference to Alicia’s Statement from Episode 59: Non-Coachable Sistas where she states “I also have a lot of problems with the bible because I feel like it is so male centric.” <--How does the bible and its ideologies tie in with Pick Me Culture? (Possible reference Ruth and the constant reference to women “finding their Boaz” or  “waiting to be found/chosen”)

Should women be chosen by men?

At what point, if any, should they (women) start to do the choosing?

What is we don’t wanna be chosen? Does that make us too strong/ independent/ much of a Black woman (the stigma)?

Discussion of the #BlackChynaChallengev & Sex Doll Twitter Frenzy

What is it?

Why/how did it get so popular?

Does this tie into today’s conversation? How so?

Pick Me! . . . Or Not

As a final note from each of us, we will discuss whether or not we want to be chosen. Complete one of the following sentence starters:

Pick me because _______________________.

Don’t pick me because _______________________.

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