We're back and ready for this new year in podcasting! In this week's episode we will be recapping 2017 from a personal standpoint as well as sharing some intentions for the new year. 

Here are the questions we talked about if you'd like to use them as journal prompts

How was your 2017, personally? Work wise? Podcast wise?

What we are leaving in 2017, personally? Work wise? Podcast wise?

What are you bringing into 2018, personally? Work wise? Podcast wise?

How has your year been so far? What have you been up to?

Any hiccups?

Podcasting [you can replace this with a person or thing]  has been in my life since _____________ If it were not in my life how would things be different today? What would be different? Better? Worse?

What’s one thing that you hope for the show [again you can replace this with something else] this year?

At the end of this year, how do you want to describe or remember it?