Tucked away at Colony Club in Washington, DC, Corey Thompson also known as Photoleer joins Reggie Black to engage in a deep man to man conversation. Photoleer is a photographer and traveler that invites the world to experience the moments that he captures with his work. 

This conversation is more like a therapy session that addresses all the topics that men normally do not discuss. Photoleer and Reggie Black travel down dark paths of their childhood, talk about their struggles with vulnerability, their battles with emotional stability, and why it’s important for men to discuss their mental health and express themselves. Photoleer digs a bit deeper to address his role as an African-American father and how he’s redesigning everything he was taught as a child to provide the love that is necessary for his daughter to excel in today’s society.

There is a lot of transparency and necessary dialogue in this episode, which is why it’s offered in four parts.

Contact: @Photoleer