An extract from 'Being Unstoppable - Remembering When Life Gets Challenging, "You've Got This"

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Time or lack of it seems to be the greatest imposition in most peopleโ€™s lives. And it causes the most amount of stress. The most common complaint I hear is, I wish I had more time. Apart from your health, time is your most valuable commodity. But what if you did have more time, would you fill it again with doing?

Iโ€™ve worked with dozens of women to overcome that exhausting feeling of having a loop on replay in their minds of the list of things they must do or a difficult situation they have to deal with. The loop of worrying about the task/situation, telling other people about the task/situation, and maybe, finally doing the task, or dealing with the situation takes its toll.

No wonder they are exhausted. Anyone would be. They are doing the task or repeating the situation multiple times.

If you can relate to this, you will be pleased to know there is a remedy. Techniques you can apply to release the mind, gain control, give you back your energy and guarantee you value your time. When you are free of worry you will be more creative, make better decisions, and literally become unstoppable.

The number one and most important aspect is to put things in perspective. Will it matter in 5 years, 5 months, or even 5 days? I find widening my perspective will usually snap me out of overthinking a problem. It also helps to put a time limit on a decision or action. By setting deadlines in your daily life you will gain more confidence in your decisions and trust the actions you take.

Secondly, recognise the fact you cannot control everything. I bet everyone who you admire has made a mistake at some time. Mistakes provide feedback and are invaluable for your growth.

+61 413940117

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