Have you experienced betrayal? Did someone not live up to your expectations? How do you move beyond this? Today's guest, Kasundra "Dr. K" Brown shares great information about betrayal, what it means, how to deal with the root, and move past the hurt and pain it causes. 

Doctor K loves GOD’S Word and building up HIS people. Having done this for 20+ years, she has planned and participated in numerous youth, women’s, and family conferences. Whether one on one or in a group, she passionately educates, edifies, and encourages her audience by teaching and preaching Biblical TRUTH. Her delivery has been described as dynamic, humorous, and real. She strives to “put the cookies on the bottom shelf” so that her listeners can not only hear the Word but do the Word also.

Quick to inform people that she does not possess a doctorate degree in any subject, Doctor K was given the name by the women of a virtual prayer group. When she joined the group, Kasundra was kind of quiet. One day she felt led to participate in the discussion and after sharing, the group leader christened her Doctor K and the name stuck. That group, now known as The Corner Sisters, led to her signature presentation and women’s conference, While W8ting4u I Found Me and the release of her first book, Moving Beyond Betrayal – Help Getting Past What You May Never Get Over.

Since receiving the name, Doctor K has started a virtual Bible study called Connecting the Dots in Scripture to See the Image of GOD and launched her public speaking brand, The Tilted Fedora Trainer. Having served as an Assistant Pastor, Christian Ed Director, Youth and Women’s Pastor, Doctor K is equally comfortable teaching or speaking virtually through online platforms, in live seminars or workshops, and from the main stage.

Doctor K lives in Duncanville, TX, and is the mother of 4 adult sons.

Interview Highlights

· Dr. K shares the clinical and her personal definition of betrayal.

· “Betrayal is broken trust.” – Kasundra “Dr. K” Brown

· Dr. K shares why she chose the story of Rachel, Leah, and Jacob to demonstrate betrayal.

· “The first issue in that relationship was betrayal.” – Kasundra “Dr. K” Brown.

· Dr. K shares how we are impacted when we don’t handle betrayal the right way.

· “It’s from your past and it’s destroying your present and it’s canceling your future.” – Kasundra “Dr. K” Brown

· We discuss the importance of dealing with the root of the betrayal.

· “We’ve cut down the top of the weed. We haven’t dug up the root.” – Kasundra “Dr. K” Brown

· Dr. K shares her betrayal experience.

· “Red flags are red flags and God is gracious.” – Kasundra “Dr. K” Brown

· Dr. K shares why she’s The Tilted Fedora Trainer and her experience speaking at a summit hosted by Les Brown.

· Dr. K explains her subtitle Help Getting Past What You May Never Get Over.

· “Getting past it honors the experience.” – Kasundra “Dr. K” Brown

Relevant Links & Resources

* Connect with Dr. K at http://www.thetiltedfedoratrainer.net/, http://www.krbrownministries.org/, Facebook, Twitter  @KasundraB, and

YouTube @Kasundra Brown Speaks.

* Her book is available on Amazon and her website. 

* Follow us on Instagram & Twitter.

* Learn more about my coaching program, books, and speaking engagements at https://sherryspeakslife.com.

* I would love to hear your thoughts about today's episode. Send me an email at [email protected].

Take care, be blessed, be safe, and remember, the church is not a building. We are the church! 

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