Today I will discuss who your ideal client is and explain why people-pleasing is detrimental to your brand-building process. Knowing your ideal client is one of the most fundamental aspects of your brand strategy. Without it, it's practically impossible to attract the right people or tailor your business to address their unique needs. 

What You'll Learn:

- Who is your ideal client?

- Why you wouldn't want to attract all types of people

- Questions that define your ideal client

- What it means to niche down

- Benefits of niching down

- Why you can't and should not serve everyone

I genuinely believe that once you know with total clarity who your ideal client is, everything changes. In business, it's tempting to go after every client you possibly can, but take it from me, it's never worth the time, energy, or money to work with people who don't fit your ideal client profile. 


- Nicki’s Website: Just Brand You 

- The FREE Wonder Woman Story Guide

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