Kaworu develops feelings for Shinji, in a very different way compared to his short screen time in the anime. skip synopsis @ 13:25

052: Neon Genesis Evangelion vol. 9

Chapters 64 to 70, “Tears” and “A Gathering of Nothingness”

By Yoshiyuki Sadamoto

Translation by Lillian Olsen, William Flanagan and David Ury



Differences from the anime and the mentality of the fans when volume 10 was released. Shinji’s hyperventilation as an excuse to get Kaoru to kiss Shinji, plus rei imprinting on him and that dorm room shipping! Ristuko’s emotional complexity / Electra complex. Rei being a clone!



Other references:

Evian bottled water (Kaworu drinks it, has it in his drinks cabinet/cooler)

Want to know why your hosts care so much about tap water? Just follow these links:








Both Rei and Kaworu fight the angel Armisael , when the angel penetrates the mind and body of Rei this prompts Shinji into action. Rei is confronted with her feelings for Shinji and the angel manages to imprint them upon Kaworu. Soon the Angel’s attention turns to shinji and it attempts to fuse Rei and Shinji’s soul into one. In an act of selflessness, Rei self-destructs the Eva unit 00, killing herself and the angel. The surface of Tokyo – 3 is destroyed in the aftermath.


The pain of losing Rei causes Shinji to withdraw from his emotions. He stays with someone who had no prior relationship with Rei and who he has no feelings for, this being Kaoru.


During the night Kaworu shares his bed with Shinji and notices him hyperventilating. Kaworu uses mouth to mouth resuscitation so to help him breathe and in doing so wakes him up. He asks Shinji what it feels like to be in love and then tells him that during Rei’s final moments he felt Rei’s feelings and believes that She did love Shinji.


Shinji receives a call from Misato that Rei is alive. On visiting her he finds she no longer has any memory of their past ordeal. She is no longer the same Rei that loved him.


Dr. Ritsuko Akagi is interrogated by SEELE in substitution for Rei, feeling betrayed that Gendo would allow this to happen she starts to lash out. Like her mother before her, Ritsuko has been emotionally manipulated by Gendo and now resents Rei. She reveals to Misato and Shinji that Rei is a clone before destroying the secret culture chamber where they house Rei’s bodies. Otherwise known as the dummy plug system.



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