The Manga starts to differentiate itself from the anime, now that all characters come together.  Shinji experiences his first late night party and when the lights go off, things also get a bit steamy!  Skip synop @3:49

Neon Genesis Evangelion vol. 5

Chapters 27 to 33

“If this be the work of man, it will come to naught”


By Yoshiyuki Sadamoto

Translation by Lillian Olsen



Shinji’s first party. Asuka being that one girl where it’s like walking on eggs to be with. Gendo as a father and wherever or not he should be responsible for Shinji as a teenager. Missing Angels from the anime, Sandalphon and Matarael do not make an appearance. Showing that the manga isn’t going for an “Angel of the week plot”. Shinji as an “Atlas Personality”.

E.g. Someone with Depression and anxiety, as well as over-sensitivity to others and an inability to assert their own needs.  Vogel, L. Z., & Savva, S. (1993). Atlas personality. British Journal of Medical Psychology

Putting context to the Biblical elements. Adam, Crucifixion and the Lance of Longiness. First hint towards the “Human Instrumentality Project”.

Other References

Raiders of the lost Ark (1981 Dir, Steven Spielberg)

The first Indiana Jones movie, it was the highest grossing movie of that year and was a collaboration between George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.

Paramecium, a microscopic being that feeds on bacteria. Water Flea

a.k.a Cladocera, a freshwater creature that can reproduce sexually and asexually, not to be confused with ZooPlankton. James is talking about a specific pest, be it a tick or louse.


Otherwise known as “The Powerhouse of the Cells”, it is responsible for providing chemical energy to our cells. James and Steven talk briefly about the Endosymbiotic Theory, another branch of Creationism. What James refers to as the “primordial soup” is the Proto-Mitochondrion, the ancestor that which begot mitochondria and the majority of species on earth.


Plot Summary

Asuka moves into Misato’s apartment with Shinji, Shinji’s friends Toji and Aida, notice that Misato is promoted and so they throw a party in celebration.

This leads to a night a of drinking for Misato and Kaji followed by the admission of why they broke up and who was responsible.  After this night the EVAs are deployed to fight a new angel that has appeared in satellite form Over Tokyo 3, it uses its own mass as a weapon so to target NERV HQ. To fight the angel, all 3 pilots work together to overcome it.

After this a power failure leads to the revelation of a few secrets and an intimate moment for our characters.


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