Shinji Ikari runs away! Which gives us time to reflect on the thing all teens do. Which is to rebel! Skip us chewing the fat/synopsis @ 5:50


Theme music: 'Electro Hype' by Liam Bradbury.


Neon Genesis Evangelion vol. 2

Chapters 7 to 12.


By Yoshiyuki Sadamoto

Adapted to English by Lillian Olsen, Fred Burke + Carl Gustav Horn



First form of fan service/gratuity shot (Misato in shower p212) Comparing the depiction of Shinji compared to the Anime, he has a tough exterior but we get more thought bubbles and inner monologs. Sadamoto’s intention was to “shine a spotlight on Shinji’s soul” Shinji vs Misato – Why did Misato slap him? Is Shinji doing the right thing? And is it right for Shinji to live with Misato? Running away from home and generally rebelling against your parents. The action scene that involves a depleting battery.




Shinji arrives in his new home, Misato Katsuragi’s apartment. He is introduced to her pet penguin, Penpen and her pig sty mess of a home. Her fridge is full of nothing but beer, she eats TV dinners and gives Shinji the majority of chores. Decided by a fair game of rock, paper, scissors of course!


Shinji attends school and rumour quickly spreads that he was the pilot in the fight with the Angel. He is flattered by the attention but by confirming the rumours he exposes himself to criticism. A classmate, Toji, blames Shinji’s sloppy fight for putting his sister in hospital. During classroom breaks Toji beats up Shinji.


In a surprise attack, a new Angel appears, merely 3 weeks after Shinji and Rei fought the last one. Toji and his friend Aida sneak out from their shelter to record video of the fight. During the fight, Shinji’s power line is cut and thus he is forced to fight with a battery backup. Toji and Aida almost die as Shinji’s Eva falls towards them. Shinji spots them and goes against Misato’s orders by opening the entry plug to the Eva. He allows Toji and Aida to sit beside him inside the cockpit for their own protection.


Shinji refuses Misato’s order to retreat from the fight, he fights the Angel as the clock countdowns the battery. By the time the battery dies, the angel dies too.


Afterwards Misato berates Shinji for his defiance, he remains detached and cavalier both about the situation and his relationship with Misato. She slaps him.


Shinji runs away, he briefly meets Aida before he is apprehended by NERV agents. Aida envies the position of Eva pilot but Shinji, when given the choice, refuses to pilot Eva. Shinji is given his belongings and cast out of NERV. When Toji and Aida go to Misato’s home out of concern for Shinji, They tell Misato that although Shinji acts calm and nihilistic, he is still just a child. He will act like a spoilt brat when not appreciated. Misato runs out and stops Shinji before he gets on the train out of town. Shinji knows he has nowhere else to go and can only stay where he feels he is needed. Misato asks for Shinji to come back home.


Pop culture references/Product placement:



Yebisu Beer


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