Previous Episode: 036: Sundome vol. 7
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On the final volume of Sundome we talk about sex and death, the dream like atmosphere in the final chapters and conteplate the differences between vegan and sheep skin condoms. Skip plot summary @ 102:0 Email: [email protected]


Sundome vol. 8


By Kazuto Okada

Translation by Christine Dashiell

With Lettering by Abigail Blackman




Contemplating the differences between Vegan and Sheep skin Condoms. The dream like nature of the story telling:

- Hideo feels as if he’s in a dream whilst sleeping with kurumi.

- Hideo at the nurse’s office for fighting / Kurumi’s ghost.

- Kurumi’s reticent nature. (Leaving the clue /behind the glass)

- Love and the supernatural/dream state

The way Okada foreshadowed Kurumi’s illness. The gang of friends that breakout the one / Helping the lovers get back together. Sex and Death


Pop culture references/Product Placement:


Let it Snow – Kyouko singing a Japanese version of the dean martin song “Mangina” – Apparently, Christine uses this vulgar word to describe a catfish, the original word is “Ketsu-Manko” or “Pussy-Ass” Kotodama – magic word



Plot Summary


In the Final Volume of Sundome, we see that winter has come and Kurumi has been absent from school. Kyouko and Katsun hide their relationship from the roman club but Hideo is more interested in the missing Kurumi, he promised to take Kurumi to the flower of the waves. In the club house, Kyouko finds Kurumi’s medicine and when Hideo does a word search on the meds, he starts to become worried. At night he sets off to see Kurumi and finds her bed ridden and in pain.


He watches her all night and eventually Kurumi allows him to sleep with him, they even take a bath together. When Hideo goes to school the next morning, he sees that Kurumi is still absent and flowers are left on her desk. Taking this as an insult and a bad omen, Hideo grabs the vase of flowers and throws it through the window. By doing this he ends up causing a scene. As the flowers were not for Kurumi, just merely placed whilst the room was being cleaned. Hideo finds that Kurumi is in hospital via a clue she left for him. He makes his way there but upon seeing her Hideo is apprehended by staff, who brand him as a pervert.


Hideo then gets the roman club to sneak him back inside. Kyouko is disguised as a nurse and Katsun a cleaner. They sneak Kurumi out through an empty bin and are eventually caught. In the chase, it looks as if Kurumi and Hideo have fallen down stairs, leaving Kurumi injured and bloodied. But this is merely a diversion, the ex-president of the roman club has disguised himself, using a second bin as a decoy.


Hideo takes Kurumi out of the hospital and fulfils his promise of taking her to see the flower of the waves. That night they finally have sex on the beach, no games, no frills, no kinks, just two lovers knocking boots. Albeit he uses the “pull-out method”.

Years later, Hideo works at the hospital and is happily in a relationship. Also, his friends, Kyouko and Katsun are getting married with the rest of the roman club up to organise it. As for Kurumi, she is still existing.


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