Previous Episode: 033: Sundome vol. 4
Next Episode: 035: Sundome vol. 6

Is it okay to be called daddy? Healthy kink or just plain creepy? How about mommy? We talk about it and more on our review of this (very lewd) coming of age comedy. Skip synopsis @ 10:03 email: [email protected]


Sundome vol. 5

By Kazuto Okada

English Translation: Christine Schilling

English Lettering: Abigail Blackman



The formula of Sundome Boy is curious/anxious about girl friend Curiousity/anxiety creates tension as he oversteps his boundaries. Not to worry as girl loves boy and has sexy time with him.

Note how the love interest, Kurumi, seems to be escaping her problems and masking her issues with sex. Meanwhile the sex scenes are used as filler or as the main action set piece.


Kyouko x Katsu The mystery of Kurumi / hospital encounter Calling your lover mommy/daddy Changing the lightbulb cliché.




Hideo Aiba sees that Kurumi has a cold and hopes that it will pass away from her and over to him. As expected, Hideo gets sick and luckily Kurumi is over it. The roman’s club ex-president visits Hideo and is all too excited to give him suppositories in order to make Hideo feel better, yet the ex-president, being the pervert that he is, gets kicked out. When Kurumi visits Hideo she nurses him. She finds the suppositories and puts one inside Hideo, bringing him a new sexual experience.


Another time, another day, Hideo takes the ex-president to the hospital and ends up encountering Kurumi there. She asks him why he is there but Hideo senses anger in her voice and cowardly runs away from her. He can’t help but think of her, even at his workplace, Kurumi arrives to return his bag that he left behind and it seems she is not angry and is as affectionate to Hideo as ever. But Hideo can’t help but have nightmares about Kurumi whilst at that hospital.


Eventually, the ex-president and Yatsu get suspicious of Kyouko and Kurumi since, Hideo and Katsu always spend time with them when they divide into groups. This is not a good thing due to the club rules being to remain virgins and that club alumni will send an “assassin” to test the boys. To remedy this issue the two, decide on another activity. To play at night during after-school hours, Yatsu and the ex-president spend time alone with the girls whilst Hideo and Katsu dress as Shinigami so to find and scare them. Unfortunately, it only takes less than 2 minutes for Kurumi and Kyouko to be scared out, not by the Shinigami costumes but by the perverts that are Yatsu and the ex-president.


When Hideo’s mother finds Kurumi’s underwear in his room, she demands answers. In an act of defiance Hideo runs away from home. It’s only when Hideo stays the night at Katsu’s He finds that Katsu is stashing away a soiled photo of Kyouko.


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