Welcome back to What Does It Matter? Podcast!

Episode #7: The Podfather!

This episode includes:
The art of losing thrown poop
Firefly stuff
Pod-casting in general
A-holes with their phones at concerts
Loving our animals
Sean's mind-blowing Star Trek observation 47:55
Fan-fic is porn? (Supernatural and V)
The Hero Of Canton lyrics and Can't Stop The Serenity/ Browncoat Ball

Post-note...... the feral cat that we left at our old place IS fine! We got some updates for awhile on her well-being after we moved and our neighbor has seen her looking healthy and gives her a bit to eat every now and then.

Download the episode HERE!


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Very special thanks to Jason from That Movie Podcast for the cool artwork!
Find him at http://thatmoviepod.blogspot.com/
Thanks to Daniel Huppert for taking the photo in the first place!

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