Welcome to What Does It Matter? Podcast!

Episode #38: Are We Supposed To Eat These?

Robert Fulton drops by to plug his birthday gig and wax poetic about some very random musical topics and why the Oscars aren't really anything special!
I answer listener questions in the intro and introduce a new sponsor in the intro! It's fun!

Download the episode HERE!

Sean answers the big questions!
Sponsor chat
Robert Fulton's Birthday Bash!
Modern pop music?
Some kinds of classic movies.
Stick to just one style??????
Degergent pod moronica.
Allegation doesn't mean guilty.
Actual guilt.
Back to pop music.
The Oscars aren't real.

Dawson's Creek/ Creek Of The Week
20th Anniversary / 3rd Anniversary Double Feature Extravaganza!

Robert Fulton's Birthday Bash!

"Appreciation" by Sean Faust.
Copyright 2001, 2007 Verkelehiekelum Music
From the EP Inside Again

"I Find It Easy" by Sean Faust.
Copyright 2015 Verkelehiekelum Music
I Find It Easy (featuring Kate Lewis)

"The Gates Of Fallopiah" by Sean Faust. Drums by Edward Faust.
Copyright 1997 Verkelehiekelum Music

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Anchors Media

Dave's Salsa

American-One Productions Rehearsal Studios & More!

Pure Bliss Spa

Very special thanks to Jason from That Movie Podcast for the cool artwork!
Find him at http://thatmoviepod.blogspot.com/
Thanks to Daniel Huppert for taking the photo in the first place!

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