It's Episode #190 for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, in which our protagonist is blown away not only by badass animation and a kickass story, but also by the fact Spider-Ham is in a feature film.

It’s Episode #190 for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, in which our protagonist is blown away not only by badass animation and a kickass story, but also by the fact Spider-Ham is in a feature film.

Direct link.

Written by Phil Lord & Rodney Rothman, based on a story by Lord, which was based on characters created by Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, and about twenty-six other people

Directed by Bob Perischetti, Peter Ramsey & Rodney Rothman

Starring the Voices of Shameik Moore, Jake Johnson, Hailee Steinfeld, Mahershala Ali, Brian Tyree Henry, Lily Tomlin, John Mulaney, Kimiko Glenn, Nicolas Cage, Liev Schreiber & Chris Pine

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