It’s Episode #172 for Robocop (2014), in which our protagonist enjoys back story and setup as much as the next bearded lunatic who can drive, but really wants the story to just get underway. Also, he defends remakes (no, really)…and applauds the new black color scheme for Robocop. It’s just a sensible choice. [ad#shortpost] Direct […]

'Well thank Christ for least I have a real hand left so I can still unlock my iPhone 5S.'

It’s Episode #172 for Robocop (2014), in which our protagonist enjoys back story and setup as much as the next bearded lunatic who can drive, but really wants the story to just get underway. Also, he defends remakes (no, really)…and applauds the new black color scheme for Robocop. It’s just a sensible choice.


Direct link for the feedreaders. Downloadable iPod version here.

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Special thanks to PhantomV48 for the closing animation.

Previous episode here.

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