There's just a really surprising amount of mind-blowing discussion about nuts/drupes. Trust us. Also, KEY LIME LA CROIX IS SO GOOD, Hannah got stuck in a snowstorm, we got some emails, and s'much more!

Erin's been building a nostalgic Spotify playlist with her wife! Ben's been revisiting a funny(ordie) 2016 improvised Youtube miniseries. Hannah has been watching a hilarious Canadian comedy series on Netflix.


- Listen to Emo 2000 on shuffle and enjoy it/process you feelings. Don’t @ Erin about songs she missed.

- Watch the earliest show on Youtube or

- Watch Schitt's Creek on Netflix

- CALL US 774-326-0420 and leave a voicemail!

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- Follow LesbianMovieReviews and WayTooBroad on IG

- Listen to So Dreamy

- Email us at [email protected]

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- for anything you need

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