WE HAVE NEW ARTWORK FROM @GEMRYSSS! Ben regales the gang with tales of his move to California! Hannah doesn't believe in moose anymore. Erin's infamous woodchuck voicemail has been obtained. Everybody missed each other a lot because they haven't talked in like 2 weeks.

Erin has been obsessed with the latest season of Great British Bake Off! She and Molly have also discovered a really fun new Dominion expansion pack! Ben saw a great new movie, but he didn't bring an avocado into the theatre (this time). Hannah and Ian have been watching some educational (and sometimes creepy) YouTube content recently.


- CALL US 774-326-0420

- Watch GBBO on Netflix, make a cuppa tea and eat an avocado

- Play Dominion with the Dark Ages expansion

- Watch Crazy Rich Asians "on the theatres", eat avocado

- Watch Defunctland and the Dead Mall Series on Youtube

- Follow @ErnBrn, @NicelyProvedBen, @Hanthropology, and @TooBroadPod on Twitter

- Follow LesbianMovieReviews and WayTooBroad on IG

- Listen to So Dreamy

- Email us at [email protected]

- Visit our website! WayTooBroad.com

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