We have two co-hosts and a bo-host (bonus co-host) this week! Lucas, brother to 2/3s of your usual hosts, joins the gang to share in the fun and the obsessions!

Lucas has been reading ABOUT a book that has only been written in Russian. Erin has been enjoying another amazing queer artist! Ben has been documenting an odd event occurring in his own household.


- Watch Don't Be a Sucker on youtube

- Read about The Foundations of Geopolitics on Wikipedia

- Eat plants

- Check out LP on Spotify or YouTube 

- Watch the live version of Lost on You

- Watch the video for Tightrope

- If you have sleep talkers in your life, record them and send them to [email protected]!

- Follow @ErnBrn, @NEDiscoGreg, @Hanthropology, and @TooBroadPod on Twitter

- Follow LesbianMovieReviews and WayTooBroad on IG

- Listen to So Dreamy

- Email us at [email protected]

- Visit our website! www.WayTooBroad.com 

- Please leave us a rating/review/subscribe on iTunes or wherever!