EVERYBODY CONGRATULATE BABY BEN ON BEING THE VALEDICTORIAN OF THE BU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING FOR 2018!! Erin lives her dream by drinking a refreshing seltzer with a hint of The Dr. Flavor, brought to you by Kroger.

Erin has been watching a show about sexual predators being brought to justice without ever learning the host's name. Ben has been playing a very beautiful new remaster of an older game! Hannah has been listening to a podcast about Watergate and pondering what it can teach us about our current political situation.


- If you’re interested, check out youtube videos of To Catch a Predator

- If you’re brave, watch The Pedophile Hunter on Amazon (TRIGGER WARNING PEDOPHILIA AND BADLY BLURRED DICK PICS)

- Watch or play Shadow of the Colossus

- Listen to Slow Burn on your local podcasting app and/or visit slate.com/slowburn for more info

- Follow @ErnBrn, @NEDiscoGreg, @Hanthropology, and @TooBroadPod on Twitter

- Follow LesbianMovieReviews on IG

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