We'll be doing YouTube livestreams on the next 3 Monday evenings, as part of CatholicCulture.org's May fundraising campaign. In these freewheeling conversations, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions and prompt discussion in the live chat box!

5/8, 8pm ET - Mike Aquilina (host, Way of the Fathers podcast)

5/15, 8pm ET - Thomas Mirus & James Majewski (hosts,Catholic Culture Podcast, Catholic Culture Audiobooks, Criteria: The Catholic Film Podcast)

5/22, 8pm ET - Phil Lawler & Jeff Mirus (CatholicCulture.org writers)

You can use this link to connect to the Mike Aquilina livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNXvhOJuLZ8

The links to the other two livestreams will go up on the Catholic Culture YouTube channel a few days before each one.