#026 The Gospel of God is a pretty simple message communicated throughout the Bible. Basically it contains these elements: 1) I am God, there is no other; 2) I created everything seen and unseen; 3) I created mankind in my own image and likeness; 4) Mankind sinned/rebelled against me and is under condemnation and my wrath; 5) I will judge the rebellious (mankind and the heavenly creatures) and eternally subject them to my wrath; 6) I don’t want you to be condemned but repent, turn to me, obey, and live; 7) I’m making it simple for you by judging all sin and appeasing my wrath on a substitute, my own Son Jesus; 8) Simply believe me (God) and follow Jesus by faith.  

You’ll see in Genesis Chapter 5, God hid this message in the genealogy from Adam to Noah. If you’re like me, when you hear this for the first time you might utter – “You’ve got to be kidding?” It is that unbelievable. Enjoy the podcast. Grace and Peace… DrZ