#083 Welcome to Episode #083 of Way of the Bible podcast. This is our third of eight episodes in our eleventh mini-series. This mini-series is entitled, Mystery of Christ | Galatians to 2 Thessalonians. On this episode we’re going to overview the book of Philippians which has been noted as one of Paul’s most personal letters. 

Philippians was written by Paul around 62 AD while he was in prison in Rome. In four short chapters Paul gives an account for his prison circumstances and then appeals to the Philippians to have the Mind, Knowledge, and Peace of Christ. When reading it you get the sense that Paul was writing to genuine supporters of his ministry who he hoped to encourage and bring joy into their own adverse circumstances.

Paul openly expresses his affection for the Philippian Christians as they have demonstrated consistency in their testimony of Christ and financial and prayerful support for he and his ministry team. He lovingly encourages them to continue their pursuit of both the person and power of Christ through their thoughts and actions.

While we are in overview mode, if you’ve done much work in discipleship, you’ll likely recognize many of the passages we’ll be going over today. So sit back and enjoy the listen as we get started with Paul’s opening salutation. 

ShowNotes: https://47d800ed-2293-49f4-b1f4-6964b8bcb082.filesusr.com/ugd/ec4c20_59f113df39ad4a169a7d47667c3ee1e0.pdf