#022 On this episode, DrZ explores the significance of Genesis Chapter 3 in the Creation narrative and the impact on mankind and creation from a cratering to simply Believe God and follow his command. This chapter contains the first of three key passages that tie together mankind and the God of eternity. 

Eternity Lost - The fall of mankind in Genesis 3
Eternity Redeemed - Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus in the Gospels
Eternity Found - Entrance to the eternal state in Revelation 21

While the fall of mankind is central to the Chapter and our lives today, the chapter also addresses the role of Satan and his schemes in the world, the daily life consequences of the fall on mankind before death, God's first act of redemption, God's mercy and blessing to mankind, and the mystery of the tree of life.

The creation itself was also impacted by Adam's sin; now held in bondage and decay. It awaits the revealing of the sons of God so that it too can be restored.