#051 Welcome to Episode #051 of Way of the Bible podcast. This is our third of eight episodes in our mini-series entitled, Fear of the LORD | Job thru Song of Songs. This episode, All About Jesus, is the second of two parts on the book of Psalms. On this second part we’ll discover the Psalms are all about Jesus from first to last. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

We begin by exploring the history of the Psalms from scripture being used in temple worship during kings Solomon, Joash, Jehoshaphat, and Hezekiah's reigns. Next we'll remind ourselves of the significance of prophecy, and why the prophecies of Jesus first coming should make us all the more assured he's coming back.

There are many prophecies about Jesus' first coming in the Psalms. We'll list them along with their Old Testament address and fulfilled New Testament address. Finally, we'll look at four messianic psalms in full - 2, 22, 69, and 118. Each of these Psalms describe a different aspect of Jesus' earthly ministry.

Listen, Share, Enjoy...   DrZ

SHOWNOTES: https://47d800ed-2293-49f4-b1f4-6964b8bcb082.filesusr.com/ugd/ec4c20_415334ce5277450a881c7cea8f0393f5.pdf