Welcome to Episode #136 of Way of the Bible podcast. This is our last of eight episodes in our seventeenth mini-series, The Man Jesus Christ.  On this episode we’re going to take A Walk on the Beach with DrZ and explore together the undercarriage of the God/Man Jesus Christ. 

Jesus is likely the most well-known and most misunderstood person in history. What does it mean he was fully God and fully man? Even theologians have found it impossible to fully define him. Rather the doctrinal definition of who Jesus was, is, and forever more will be is called Mystery.Welcome to Episode #136 of Way of the Bible podcast. This is our last of eight episodes in our seventeenth mini-series, The Man Jesus Christ.  On this episode we’re going to take A Walk on the Beach with DrZ and explore together the undercarriage of the God/Man Jesus Christ. 

Jesus is likely the most well-known and most misunderstood person in history. What does it mean he was fully God and fully man? Even theologians have found it impossible to fully define him. Rather the doctrinal definition of who Jesus was, is, and forever more will be is called Mystery.