#090  This is our second of eight episodes in our twelfth mini-series entitled, Shepherding the Sheep | 1 Timothy to Hebrews. On this episode, Finishing Strong, we’re going to overview the book of 2 Timothy. 

2 Timothy is the second pastoral letter Paul wrote to his son in the faith and protégé. In each of its four chapters Paul encourages Timothy to persevere in present trials and endure in future testing’s. 

Paul was practicing and demonstrating what Finishing Strong looked like in this letter to Timothy. It is believed that Paul was executed in Rome at the command on Nero the same year he wrote this letter (67 AD). This about four to five years after he’d written 1 Timothy.  

Much like Jesus words to his disciples in John chapters 13 to17, this letter contains Paul’s last passionate words to his disciple Timothy knowing death was at hand. If you want to know what Jesus was all about, read the aforementioned section of John. If you want to know what Paul was all about, the central and true nugget around which all else was done, read 2 Timothy.

Each sentence and section of 2 Timothy is dripping with meaning central to the sound doctrine of faith Paul was preaching and teaching. It’s almost like poetry where the more you read it and meditate upon it the clearer and more vibrant the mental images appear. Obviously, in overview mode we don’t have the time to do that. Even when done expositorally, verse by verse, our minds cannot contain at one time all that Paul is telling Timothy. I encourage you to read this short book often as well as John 13-17. They will change the way you think about Jesus, God our Father, your salvation, and other people.  

With all that as a short introduction, let’s get started with 2 Timothy. I’ll make short comments along the way as I read.