#075 Welcome to Episode #075 of Way of the Bible podcast. This is our third of eight episodes in our mini-series entitled, Paul’s Treatises | Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians. On this episode we’re going to overview the first six chapters of the book of 1 Corinthians in which Paul addresses Divisions and Disorder in the church.

This is our first of two episodes on Paul’s treatise of the problems, pressures, and struggles of a real church called out of a pagan society. On our two episodes (#073 & #074) we over-viewed the book of Romans where Paul laid out the foundational bases of our faith, Sin, Salvation, and Sanctification, the status of the people of Israel, and how believers are to serve in love and spiritual fervor. But what does this really look like in practice? 

Paul addresses what an assembly of Jewish and Gentile believers looks like when they leave their historical religious practices to worship God through faith in Jesus Christ. We’ll discover Paul was not only writing to the church at Corinth, but this letter has likely had application in every Christian church who has read it over the past 2000 years. How to do Church 1.0.