#040 What does the Pentateuch have to do with a Christian’s life today? Learn the answer is this week’s episode, A Walk on the Beach with DrZ. This is a fast paced and scripture filled walk tying together the beginning in Genesis 1 and the new heaven and new earth in Revelation 21.

Christian brothers and sisters, you were not called to be a part of the world and inherit death. You were purchased out of the world by the blood of Jesus, have already entered the kingdom of light, and possess eternal life now. Our inheritance is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, being kept in heaven to be revealed in the last time (1 Ptr. 1:4-5). 

 This episode addresses the three realms revealed in Genesis 1-3 (heaven, earth, and the Garden of Eden), the beings that occupy them, and the final judgement that will purify them for eternal habitation of God with humanity. During this reveal, DrZ illuminates what Jesus expects of his followers as we await our arrival into his presence.

Listen, Enjoy, Share…  DrZ

Website: https://www.wayofthebible.com/

Show Notes: https://47d800ed-2293-49f4-b1f4-6964b8bcb082.filesusr.com/ugd/ec4c20_9730e78b128f455cb735898223fca6f3.pdf