#024 Reconstituting the Ekklēsia in a Post Mars Hill World 

Following a recommendation of a close friend, I begin listening to the Christianity Today podcast, The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill; hosted by Mike Cosper. On the one hand it is an extremely well-produced and executed program regarding the cost/benefit analysis of a rocket ride that manifested mega-church size and celebrity fame of Seattle’s Mars Hill Church pastor Mark Driscoll. On the other hand, as a believer, it is very disheartening and at times disturbing to listen without thinking I’ve been led into the Roman Colosseum to watch Christians being mauled by wild lions, tigers, bears, and dogs. Images of St. Augustine’s friend Alypius fill my mind now even when writing this (see St. Augustine’s Confessions, Book VI, chapter 8). 

On Way of the Bible podcast Episode #024 | A Walk of the Beach with DrZ, I consider life in the Messianic kingdom to come as a model of how life as a believer in the world today is supposed to look. And when believers gather together to pray and worship it is the church (i.e. ekklēsia). (Note: From the very beginning of the church, it has never been perfect and needs constant oversight and care. And once turned by human will toward the world very difficult to turn back). 

The church, according to the Bible, is not a building or even a gathering of people in a building. The church is the gathering of the body of Christ (i.e. individuals in whom Christ dwells) for the purpose of prayer and worship. And when gathered (two or more) Jesus is there amongst His body ready and able to minister, guide, supply, and address concerns of the body.

Things to consider in a world being turned upside down. Especially knowing God is allowing this turning to accomplish His purposes in the world. Enjoy and share the listen… DrZ