Previous Episode: #012 God's Eternal Purpose
Next Episode: #014 God's Eternal State

#013 DrZ reveals New Testament revelations concerning God's eternal purpose in Jesus Christ for populating the eternal state with those who receive salvation by grace through faith. Until the final confrontation between God and Lucifer in Revelation 20, God is constantly rescuing humans out of slavery to the devil and adopting them into His eternal family. 

Numerous theological and faith based terms believers regularly encounter are defined and scripturally supported in this episode. The understanding of these terms and the implications to the church as revealed in scripture illuminate the manifold wisdom of God being manifest to the authorities and powers in the heavenly realms. God through Jesus Christ reconciled everything on earth and in heaven to Himself and provided the means for a creation without corruption that will last FOREVER!!

A full listing of the scriptures and notes for this episode can be found on the resources page of the podcast website,